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everything exist in internet?

Internet is watched over by agreement bi- or multilateral and spesification teknikal (protocol explain about data transfer between series). these protocols is formed based on internet discussion engineering task force (ietf), opened to general.

This body takes document that identified as rfc (request for comments). some of rfc made standard internet (standards internet), by internet architecture body (internet architecture board - iab).

Internet protocols often used like, ip, tcp, udp, dns, ppp, slip, icmp, pop3, imap, smtp, http, https, ssh, telnet, ftp, ldap, and ssl.

Several popular services at internet that uses protocol above, electronic email/mail, usenet, newsgroup, file partnerships (file sharing), www (world wide web), gopher, session access (session access), wais, finger, irc, mud, and mush. between all this, electronic email/mail and world wide web more often used, and more many servis that built based on it, like milis (mailing
list) and weblog. internet makes existence servis kini (real-time service), like radio web, and webcast, can be accessinged in all the world. besides pass internet is maked to consolidations directly between two users or more pass instant message sender program likes camfrog, pidgin (gaim), trilian, kopete, yahoo! messenger, msn messenger and windows live messenger.

Several servis popular internet based on closed system ? (proprietary system), like irc, icq, aim, cddb, and gnutella.

what got and profit from internet?

Big internet user total and more bloom, realize internet culture. has also big influence on science, and opinion world. with only use from search engine likes google, user in all has easy internet access on diverse information.

Compared with book and library, internet symbolizes spreads (decentralization) / erudition (knowledge) information and data according to extreme.

Also influence economy development. various previous sales transaction only can be done by tatap face (and a part very little pass post or telephone), now very easy and often done pass internet. transaction passes this internet is known by the name of e-commerce. Related to government, also trigger grow it execution transparency government passes e-government.

Country with best internet access belongs south korea (50% than has access broadband), and swed. found two internet access form general, that is dial-up, and broadband. in indonesia, like where does internet access and penetration pc still also low another around 42% from internet access passes facilities public internet aksss like warnet, cybercafe, hotspot etc. another general place often worn for internet access at campus and office.

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